Committee Info
Executive Committee Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of each month, via Zoom, at 5:30 p.m. EST.
See our calendar on the Governing Board page for a full calendar.
Nick Anzalone (NEK Broadband, St. Johnsbury)
Vice Chair:
Siobhan Perricone (CVFiber, Orange)
Agenda | Minutes |
January 2, 2025 | January 2, 2025 (Draft) |
Effective August 16, 2024, NEK Broadband & CVFiber have united resources, expertise, and a shared commitment to deliver exceptional high-speed internet services to our 71 communities. Working together, we will be better able to support economic growth, community development, and digital equity across the Northeast Kingdom and Central Vermont.
The Executive Committee of the merged organization will work with the Executive Director to manage the day-to-day operation of the merged organization in accordance with the Bylaws and an attached Executive Committee Charter. The initial merged Executive Committee will consist of seven NEK Executive Committee members and five CVF Executive Committee members, with the members as identified in the Final Merger Agreement. The NEK Treasurer will serve as an ex-officio member. The Executive Director and Treasurer of the merged organization shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee as non-voting members.
At the Organizational Meeting, the Executive Committee will consist of 7-11 members per the Bylaws, and the specific individuals to sit on the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Governing Board of the merged organization in staggered terms. Afterwards, the composition of the Executive Committee shall be determined at each annual meeting.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least one time per month depending on the needs of the merged organization.
CVFiber Executive Committee Charter
Adopted by the Board: March 9, 2021
Amended by the Board: April 12, 2022
A. Background:
1. The mission of CVFiber is to bring fast, reliable, and affordable highspeed Internet to the residents, businesses, and government agencies of its member communities.
2. The CVFiber Governing Board approves policies, contract awards in accordance with the adopted procurement policy, hiring of full-time employees, and exercises such other statutory district powers not delegated herein to the Executive Committee.
3. The Executive Committee oversees, manages, and coordinates the implementation of the Board’s actions, including the day-to-day operations of CVFiber.
B. Executive Committee Responsibilities
1. The Executive Committee will:
a. Oversee the implementation of the Board’s decisions.
b. Oversee and coordinate the work of CVFiber committees, and take such action as it deems appropriate on committee recommendations, including their approval, modification, rejection, or forwarding with a recommendation to the Board for action.
c. Engage and oversee the work of third parties, including, but not limited to, attorneys, consultants, financial agents, and others as needed.
d. Manage the budget adopted by the Board, including the proposal of budget amendments to the Board as needed.
e. Oversee, manage, and prioritize the work of the Executive Director, who shall report to the Executive Committee Chair.
f. Make a recommendation to the Board concerning the withdrawal or admission of additional District members.
g. Approve the submission of grant applications, amendments to grant awards, their execution, and the identification of the grant agreement activity supervisor(s) for each grant for the purposes of work acceptance as part of the invoice payment process.
h. Issue requests for proposals and bids, approve and enter into contracts for any term or duration consistent with the CVFiber Procurement Policy.
i. Solicit, accept, and administer gifts, grants, and bequests in trust or otherwise.
j. Contract with the State of Vermont, the United States of America, or any subdivision or agency thereof for services, assistance, and joint ventures;
k. Approve the use of Grant Anticipation Notes and other short-term financial mechanisms as appropriate, except bonds, to advance the development of the network.
l. Take such actions as appropriate to oversee, manage, and direct the day-to-day operations of CVFiber, including, but not limited to, the adoption of guidelines to govern CVFiber activities. Any such guidelines shall be distributed to the Board when established.
C. Reports
The Executive Committee shall report to the Board at least monthly, more often as circumstances dictate, or as requested by the Board.
D. Meetings:
1. The Executive Committee shall set regular monthly meeting dates and time at its reorganization meeting in May.
2. Special meetings may be called throughout the year as necessary.
3. Meetings may be called by the Chair, Vice Chair, or a majority of the Executive Committee.
E. Members:
Membership for quorum and voting purposes shall include the Chair, Vice Chair, Committee Chairs, and the Clerk, if a member of the Board.
Committee Vice Chairs shall be allowed to serve as alternates in place of a Committee Chair for quorum and voting purposes when the Committee Chair for the same committee is absent, so long as they are also a member of the Board.
The Executive Director and Treasurer will be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Executive Committee, as will the Clerk, if not a member of the Board.
The Chair of the Governing Board shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee. The Vice Chair of the Governing Board shall be the Vice Chair of the Executive Committee.