CVFiber follows a formal and transparent process for contracting.
RFP Process
The RFP is publicly issued and posted to this page.
The RFP will identify a date by which potential bidders may ask questions about the RFP. The questions must be submitted in writing to or as otherwise posted on the RFP.
A written response to all questions is provided within the period specified in the RFP by being posted on this page.
The response will include the questions asked and the answers, but will not identify the company asking the question.
If required, the RFP may be updated to correct or clarify any issues identified. Such Addenda or Errata shall be posted on this page. Companies are responsible for checking this page before submitting their proposals.
The date that proposals are due will be specified in the RFP.
Before selecting one or more companies with which to negotiate a contract, CVFiber may ask clarifying questions, conduct conference calls, and check references. That process may take approximately two weeks.
CVFiber then enters into contract negotiation with the preferred bidder(s). If contract negotiation fails, then different preferred bidder(s) may be chosen.
Contract negotiation is anticipated to complete in a week to ten days and result in the award of the contract.
The terms of the contract are later posted publicly on this page, with the confidential information agreed to by the parties redacted.
Work generally begins immediately after award of the contract, unless specified otherwise in the Statement of Work or negotiated contract.
Issued RFPs
The table below lists all RFPs issued by CVFiber. Please note the following:
For any questions regarding RFPs & Contracts, please contact or as specified on the RFP.