Search Results for: Washington
High Level Design to be Completed Soon
CVFiber is getting closer and closer to the start of actual construction. It’s an exciting and busy time; the pace…
Connectivity is Only the Beginning Enter your service address to see if CVFiber is available at your location or to…
Construction is coming! We’re Buying Fiber!
CVFiber has committed to purchase 300 miles of fiber, and is pressing to complete preconstruction including high-level design and pole…
When will we actually get fast Internet?
$2.8 million Grant has been approved ! The work of providing fast Internet to our 21 member communities is off…
CVFiber 2021 Annual Report
Mission Providing Central Vermont residents, businesses, and civic institutions with universal access to a reliable, secure, locally owned and governed…
CVFiber September 2021 Community Update
CVFiber is off and running! After years of organizing, planning, and fundraising, real-world activity has begun. Here are the items…
WEC September Bulletin Features CVFiber
The September edition of the newsletter for Washington Electric Cooperative (WEC) customers had a prominent article about our joint activities….