ARPA : American Rescue Plan Act
Federal grants that can be used to replace lost public sector revenue; provide premium pay for essential workers; and invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure. The Vermont Community Broadband Board distributes federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to towns in Vermont. Town select boards determine how to use these funds.

CUD : Communications Union District
A Communications Union District (CUD) is an organization of two or more towns that join together as a municipality to build communication infrastructure together. A CUD is a unique kind of Vermont municipality governed by a board of delegates, each appointed by the member towns’ select boards. The job of a CUD is to facilitate the development of community-based Internet services. There are nine (9) CUDs in Vermont whose immediate focus is to provide access to the under-served in their districts.

CVFiber : Central Vermont Fiber
CVFiber is a Communications Union District (“CUD”) comprised of 21 communities in Central Vermont. A CUD is a unique kind of Vermont municipality governed by a board of delegates, each appointed by the member towns’ select boards. The job of a CUD is to facilitate the development of community-based Internet services. CVFiber’s single aim is to help residents and organizations of the district gain access to fast, reliable Internet service with a goal of 100/100 Mbps service. In particular, our focus is on providing that access to those members of the community without good options immediate focus is to provide access to the under-served in their districts.
NRTC : National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative
We live up to our promise of being member driven and technology focused each and every day at the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative . It starts with a staff of experts dedicated to finding technologies that benefit our members. Because our experts have a thorough understanding of rural electric and telecom providers, they add to our advanced solutions set only those technologies that address the unique challenges of serving rural communities..

VELCO : Vermont Electric Power Company
Vermont Electric Power Company works with Vermont’s 17 local utilities and the New England regional grid operator to meet high national and regional standards of reliability designed to ensure that electricity, the lifeblood of our homes, economy and society, is always available, even in times of peak demand, severe weather and unforeseen events. electric power, energy-related products, and services for their communities, through a consumer-owned and locally-controlled cooperative business.

WEC : Washington Electric Cooperative
Washington Electric Cooperative provides access to electric power, energy-related products, and services for their communities, through a consumer-owned and locally-controlled cooperative business.