CVFiber Winter Update 2020-2021
When Will CVFiber Start Providing High Speed Broadband Services in Central Vermont? CVFiber’s most frequently asked question is, “when can I get high speed Internet service?”…
Enter your service address to see if CVFiber is available at your location.
When Will CVFiber Start Providing High Speed Broadband Services in Central Vermont? CVFiber’s most frequently asked question is, “when can I get high speed Internet service?”…
Key Take-Aways: Extension of Existing Providers’ Lines Drawing Interest CVFiber Aiming for 2021 Fiber to the Premises Project Start CVFiber Applied for Federal Funds For Fixed…
CVFiber is seeking to contract with a multi-talented and energic individual who can rapidly support its mission and respond to the short-term COVID 19 pandemic needs…
We are currently looking for volunteers to help fill an important administrative function for CVFiber: Clerk. The position requires approximately a couple of hours a week….
CVFiber is our 17-community-owned municipal entity that needs your input as we move forward to bring a very high-speed fiber network to your home and business….