Policy Committee
Effective August 16, 2024, NEK Broadband & CVFiber have united resources, expertise, and a shared commitment to deliver exceptional high-speed internet services to our 71 communities. Working together, we will be better able to support economic growth, community development, and digital equity across the Northeast Kingdom and Central Vermont.
The CVFiber Policy Committee is longer active. Working groups with representatives from both CUDs will instead continue to meet regularly. Previous meeting minutes and agenda will remain online in accordance with Open Meeting law.
Previous Committee Info
Allen Gilbert (CVFiber / Worcester)
Ex Officio: Siobhan Perricone (CVFiber / Orange)
A. Background
The mission of CVFiber is to bring fast, reliable, and affordable high-speed internet to the residents, businesses, and government agencies of its twenty-member communities. Policies and procedures are needed to guide the work that will allow the organization to reach its goal.
B. Policy Committee Responsibilities
1. Develops and recommends to the Board policies and procedures as directed by the Board or requested by the Committees.
2. Annually reviews and makes recommendations to the Board for changes to or cancellation of policies and procedures.
3. Collaborates with committees in the development, modification, and cancellation of policies and procedures.
C. Reports
The Policy Committee shall report to the Board as needed, or as requested by the Board.
D. Contact Us
Please contact us via our Contact form.
E. Meetings
The Policy Committee shall meet throughout the year as necessary.
F. Members
Membership shall include such delegates, alternates, and community members as approved by the Board.